Tuesday, January 20, 2009


An Administration of Change, A Steady Team, Obama's New Administration Begins
(Washington-1/20/2009 7:43 A.M.)


WIth the exception of would be Commerce Secretary Bill Richardson of New Mexico who made suspicious business contributions, Obama's soon to be helmed new administration came together on the 20th. Characteristic was the steady team which assembled that day. Diplomacy, National Security, Economic Crisises, Energy and the Environment were the subjects. Experience and Capability were emphasized. A "Smart Government" (As said by Mr. Obama) to birth change was the aim.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates remained at work dealing with diplomacy and security regarding the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Advising the President would be Marine Corps Chief James L. Jones. Hilary Clinton would take the Secretary of State position, Diplomatic Expert Vice President Joe Biden was also tapped. All have great experience but whether they would be a great team remains to be seen.

A stance of experience regarding economic matters was also taken. As chair of the National Economic Council and overseeing it from the White House, Influential Economic figure Lawrence H. Summers of the Clinton Administration will serve as Director of the NEC. Young 40-something Timothy Geithner will become Secretary of the Treasury and one of Mr. Summers close confidants.

Mixed up with the economy was the no less important energy and environment situation. The administration aims to create new jobs by investing in renewable energy such as wind and solar power generation. A Nobel Prize winning "poster child" by the name of Steven Chu was named Energy Secretary. A Professional Environment Administrator in the vein of Former Vice President Al Gore, Carol M. Browner was appointed to the newly created post of White House Energy and Climate Policy Coordinator. Maintaining a fine balance of minorities, the aim of the American "Union" was shown. With five women, four blacks, two Hispanics, 2 Asians (one Japanese, the other Chinese) and one Arab, the Washington Post called it the most "diverse" cabinet seen.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood were appointed from the Republican Party. Senators, House Representatives and Governors, the people chosen are from many backgrounds and experiences. While Mr. Obama originally earned support from the Democratic Party's Liberal Wing, he was faced with tough decisions during the election cycle resulting in his move to the center (Moderate as per the Washington Post).

However, by taking in many sides, it's hard to see any ideological bents in his administration. NYU Professor Paul Reid said of the administration, "The team is multi-faceted yet exists in a prism where each individual can identify an aim and pursue it." With the beginning with the administrations duties, even if it is heralded from all sides; It looks to be that "sooner or later, Mr. Obama is going to be faced with some very tough decisions."

Asahi Shinbun

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