Monday, January 12, 2009


America Hasn't Lost It's Dignity, Bush's Final Interview
(Washington-1/13/2009 1:35 A.M.)

President Bush, who is about to end his 8 year term, sat down for his final interview at the White House on the 12th. In response to the question of whether America's dignity has been lost since the Iraq War, Mr. Bush strongly disagreed. "As the land of freedom, America's dignity has not been lost", he insisted boastfully.

The question revolved around Bush being the main arbitrator of America's sullied image. President Elect Barack Obama had stated that "America must reclaim it's dignity which has evaporated worldwide." Mr. Bush "strongly disagrees with the idea that our ethical position has taken damage." "Maybe a few of the elite have", he admitted. Never the less, he maintained that America being the land of the free still offered great hope to many people.

In regards to the Iraq War, Mr. Bush emphasized; "A portion of Europe said that without International Cooperation, Iraq was something that ought not to have been done but that was just two or three countries." He again repeated that America's dignity had remained intact.

Mr. Bush also said that, "While I might have gained popularity points in signing the Kyoto Protocol, I saw it's flaws and made constructive suggestions." In response to criticisms of unilateral action, he emphasised; "If we have another attack on the homeland, they are meaningless." He asked "Do you remember?", referencing the exalting and feverish media action right after the 9/11 attacks. Beyond that he stated; "I believe that a majority of people in the world respect America. There are a few that hate me, I know that."

Asahi Shinbun

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