Thursday, January 15, 2009


Obama in Spider Man, "I Was Always A Fan"
(New York-1/15/2009 12:25 P.M.)

Nefarious Criminals aiming to disrupt the inauguration ceremonies are foiled by Spider Man. On the 14th, Obama makes a special appearance in popular Spider Man comic issue to be sold nationwide. Because Mr. Obama collected the title as a child, Marvel is planning a special edition issue. The plot entails Spider-Man fighting villainous Chameleon masquerading as the President. Obama says to Spider-Man "I was always a fan".

On the sales day, A line wait of up to 4 hours was reported in Downtown New York. One buyer, David Tress (25) states; "I was surprised Obama would be in a Comic. To me, Obama is the real hero."

Asahi Shinbun

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